The Cleo Fields-Edwin Edwards Scandal:

A Dark Chapter in Louisiana Politics

The Cleo Fields-Edwin Edwards scandal is a notorious episode in Louisiana's political history, characterized by corruption, deceit, and a blatant disregard for ethical conduct. This scandal centers around a recorded incident in which Cleo Fields, a once-promising Louisiana politician, was captured accepting a large sum of cash from Edwin Edwards, the former Governor of Louisiana. While Fields escaped criminal charges, the incident has permanently tainted his career, raising serious questions about his integrity and future behavior.


Cleo Fields gained national attention by winning a congressional seat in a district designed to enhance Black representation. However, Fields’ rapid rise was marred by his fateful association with former Gov. Edwin Edwards, a political veteran infamous for his charisma and questionable ethics.

Edwin Edwards served four terms as Louisiana’s governor, earning a reputation for his populist policies and unscrupulous dealings. By the mid-1990s, Edwards was deeply entangled in federal investigations concerning his manipulation of riverboat gambling licenses, which had become immensely valuable. The federal government alleged that Edwards and his cronies extorted millions in bribes and kickbacks from applicants seeking these licenses.

The Incident

The scandal’s centerpiece is a 1997 videotape showing Cleo Fields accepting a wad of cash from Edwin Edwards. The $25,000 handover occurred with Edwards advising Fields to ensure “everyone is careful how that’s handed out.” Fields then asked for a rubber band and a piece of paper to wrap the cash in.

At the time, Edwards was under intense scrutiny for his involvement in the riverboat gambling industry. The licenses, capped at fifteen by the state legislature, had become lucrative assets, and Edwards was accused of exploiting his influence to extort money from applicants. Federal prosecutors viewed Fields as a conduit for these bribes, intended to be distributed among Edwards’s co-defendants.

Cleo taking $25k from Gov. Edwards

The Fallout

Fields was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal trial against Edwards and his associates. 

The FBI’s investigation painted a damning picture of Fields as a key player in Edwards’s corrupt schemes. The implication was clear: Fields was deeply enmeshed in a web of corruption. And his promise to explain the incident after the trial went unfulfilled, further eroding his credibility.

His involvement with the Edwards scandal and the suspicious cash transaction left a lingering suspicion that Fields was willing to engage in corrupt practices for personal gain. This perception was reinforced by his evasive behavior and refusal to provide a clear account of his actions.

Cleo Field's Legacy

The Fields-Edwards scandal highlighted the deep-seated corruption in Louisiana politics, where power and money often trumped integrity and public service. Fields, once viewed as a young, fresh voice, became a symbol of the status quo & political decay. His involvement in the bribery scheme was especially painful to Black voters who had had high hopes for Fields early in his career and were devastated when he fell prey to the same corrupt forces that so many other Louisiana politicians have fallen prey to. They thought he would be different. He wasn’t.

We Can Do Better!

The Cleo Fields-Edwin Edwards scandal is a stark reminder of the dangers of political corruption. It serves as a cautionary tale about the need for transparency, accountability, and integrity in public service. As Fields seeks “his office back”, voters must consider the ominous shadow of his past actions. Fields’ willingness to engage in shady dealings with a known corrupt figure like Edwards raises serious concerns about his motives and future behavior. Louisiana deserves leaders who prioritize the public good over personal gain. Especially in the age of Donald Trump, can we really afford to send someone to Washington who has historically chosen personal interest over the public good?

Sign up below if you believe Louisiana needs a fresh new voice who doesn’t carry the same baggage as Sen. Fields and represents a new generation of leadership.

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